Saturday, 6 October 2012

Steven - Met in Northampton

Heartfelt blessings from the Racecourse – shared from the wonderful, ever smiling, Steven. Even after he ducked through the trees to initially avoid the camera I could sense his radiance. You too now have the gift of his happiness.

Some people always seem to glow – like they’ve been eating Ready Brek all day!

Roy Wykes - Met in Northampton

Are people with animals the friendliest people to talk to? Maybe they are. This man is surely tipping the scales in favour of a ‘yes’ vote.

He smiled from a distance as his dogs (Megs and Annie) ran ahead of him. Roy stopped to share some time and comments about the beauty of the autumnal day. The colours were already bringing joy and light to the afternoon walk, Roy increased that pleasure manifold times.

Friday, 28 September 2012

Tina - Met in Northampton

Smiles abounded in this particular area of the town this morning.

Tina brought the sunshine out from behind the thick layers of clouds. This is not a new skill, Tina has been doing this for years – smiling and supporting Macmillian Cancer Support – World’s Biggest CoffeeMorning, she even had her own cheerleaders singing her praises. What a joyous encounter for a wonderful purpose.

Cavan – met in Northampton

It was the hat that first drew attention. It stood tall and bright. Like the smile that Cavan constantly wore. 

This brightness was perfectly matched by the blond plaits and the vivid tie he sported with flair.

When asked if there was any particular meaning to his name, Cavan burst out in song! The people around were treated to a tune about his name and County Cavan in Ireland. Everybody was smiling.

Just what’s needed on a cold autumn day – bright, breezy people doing their bit for the community and raising money for a worthy cause: Macmillian Cancer Support – World’s Biggest Coffee Morning

Friday, 13 July 2012

Alan – Met in Mereway, Northampton

Alan is outstanding. He also has a striking look. Once seen, never forgotten.

My enquiry about his different colour facial hair was met with an air of polite and calm resignation – I’d correctly assumed that others had also noticed it and commented on it.

Alan explained that he had inherited his particular look through his genes – his grandparents had it, then it skipped a generation and he was gifted with it. It’s called vitiligo  - a condition that results in the loss of pigmentation - and his occurs only on one side of his face. Apparently Michael Jackson had the same condition.

I told him I thought his look was a fashion statement before I spoke to him, he smiled at my suggestion that he dyed his hair on one side of his face. When I asked if I could take his photograph he willingly obliged and remarked that someone else had recently asked him the same question because they knew someone with the same condition.

Fortunately the other man and I were part of a group of sensitive enquirers. Alan remarked that he’s had some negative comments from people because unfortunately we live in a country with lots of sensitive people. All his observations of these other people were kind and courteous.

An outstanding man, in more ways than one, especially in charity to others who have been less than thoughtful to him.

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Ieva – Met in Kingsthorpe, Northampton

Style, panache, presence – all these elements and more are evident in Ieva. She stood out against the brick buildings as she was casually and professionally doing kick-ups in the street.

I asked if she was practising for a particular event, Ieva responded, “No, I just like to do it.” She was very good.

After explaining why I was taking photographs Ieva agreed to let me share a touch of her style and skill.

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Leyion - Met in Northampton

He stepped out of a building in front of me and I immediately noticed his strong calf muscles. Thinking about the upcoming Olympics I admired his easy, yet determined walk. After passing him I hesitated and went back.

Leyion had just finished working out in the gym something he plans to continue for the next eight years at least – until he’s 60. Yes, that’s right, this young looking man is over 50 (in fact, he’s the same age as me).

Leyion was raised in Northampton but left after gaining his qualifications to find work in the West Country and on the south coast. He is using his return to the county well, he hailed and talked to many people as we ambled along the road together. His strong, yet easy, manner extends to his character as well as his physique.

I think Leyion will be working out for a good few more years to come, at this rate he’ll be doing gym sessions until he’s at least 90.